I rarely go to sleep before 2 AM most nights. I usually just read, or write, or use my laptop until I get so exhausted I go straight to sleep when I let myself. I do this because otherwise, I lie awake in bed for hours and hours thinking dark, sad, terrifying thoughts and everything gets worse. And I can’t tell my parents that that’s the reason I’m always so exhausted in the mornings, because they tell me to just go to bed earlier, but they don’t get that the longer I lie in silence, the more time I have to think. And thinking too hard hurts. And I’m trying to get better, to mend myself a little; so lying and waiting for sleep is never an option, because it breaks me and hurts me more than lack  of sleep does. But if I told them this, I’d have to say why my thoughts were so bad. And I can’t do that, to myself or to them. Because I’m fine, or I will be fine, I really am; just as long as I’m not thinking in the silence for too long. Because it’s thinking in the silent darkness that brings on the dark, dark thoughts. And I see no other way to avoid them.
I also have this problem. Instead of controlling my mind, it feels as if my mind controls me.
thats kinda how it is for me, if im online long enough i just fall asleep without even noticing until i wake up but my parents know im always awake late at night and they know its due to fear/stress/over thinking, they understand sorta but though they r depressed themselves for me to be apparently its VERY BAD and im yelled at for it.