so im kind of new to this & so far it looks great .. obviously i have my own share of problems or i wouldn’t be here .. so this is my story .. I was born & raised in CA & my grandparents raised me .. i recently ( its been 2 yrs now) moved back with my real parents & we’re all the way in Tonga ( island in the south pacific ) & so far its been a major change .. school , life , boys , new people , etc etc .. tbh i didnt want to move , but i had no choice .. things were great when we first came cus my parents , who i didnt spend much time with as a kid , were so kind to me – but that changed after a while .. my dad is a hard worker & i appreciate him .. my mother on the other hand is just …idk .. she constantly puts me down EVERYDAY . she’ll always say that im stupid cus i cant get better grades than the smart girls in school , but i have never failed a test ! i always pass & when i tell her she just says i should of done better & that im stupid & i cant do shit … i try to put up with it , bt the way she says it you know she means it .. i tried asking her once why she calls me names & all she replied with was tht it ws her own way of supporting me .. WTF . i dont know who she’s trying to fool , but calling someone a dumbass & telling that person that she’s worthless does NOT support at all .. today i cleaned the house & even after that she said i should stop being laZy  & do more work … NOTHING i do is good enough for her & no matter what i do im doing it wrong .. It was her who actually led me to google suicidal things when i came across this website … im that type of person who always laughs & smile , but no one knows that i literaly spend hours at night crying of how much no one appreciates me & how much i want to go back home to my grandparents .. sometimes i think its enough & that its time .. that i dont belong here anymore , that maybe i’ll do my mother a favor by jus vanishing from here …All im good for to her is doing what she wants .. do that .. do this .. get that .. get this … im her little slave …and im telling the truth when i say that ever since ive moved here with them … ive NEVER gotten a simple ‘ i love you ‘ from my own mother …. sometimes … i just dont know wth is going on …
Things may be hard right now but trust me, its not going to be this way forever. Instead of talking about ending your life, think about improving your life. Look into moving back with your grandparents because that’s where you seem the happiest. Talk to your grandparents, they can help you tremendously therefore you don’t have to go at this alone. I know that you may feel trapped right now but its not the end and you shouldn’t have to feel the need to think that this is your only way. People will miss you, they will and it will break there heart knowing that you were hurting and they didn’t know. Even though this its hard right now, at the end it will be worth it because these are the experiences that make you stronger as a person and will make you more successful. Don’t worry, keep your head up. Talk to someone, they can help you. Head up kid 🙂
hey hun, I am sorry to hear you’re going through this, I felt like this at some point in my life, I will tell you my opinion based on what I read above. I think that you should talk to your father about the way she’s treating you, that’s your choice if you find the courage enough to seek your dad’s help since I don’t know what kind of relationship you have with him. Okay now, I believe your mother is deeply hurt inside for whatever reason, perhaps she’s bitter over the fact that she didn’t raise you, that you rather be away from her, there must be another reason why she’s like this, it cannot be you since you been doing such a great job around the house. I say give it some time, do something nice and special for her, try opening that shell she has, you never know how much hurt she may be feeling. find out. If it doesn’t work, I say put up with it until you’re old enough to move out. Please do not do anything to your life, keep your head up hun.
I know where you’re coming from. I was raised by a single mother because my dad bailed out when it was convenient for him (and before I was old enough to remember). Up until I was 16 I actually thought my would-be step-father was my actual father, I only found out when she finally confessed. Throughout my childhood I was constantly the black sheep of the family and would be abused more than the others. Turns out it’s cuz of what my (real) dad had done to her, and apparently I look just like him. As much as my “loving parent” has “done” for me I’m far beyond twisted.
The difference between you and I is that at least you have loving grandparents, if you’re feeling down why not reach out to them? It sucks feeling like you can’t depend on family, but if you’ve got that then you’re never really alone, or so I’ve heard.
Hi Lifeshard. I agree with waitingforyou. You have other options than kist letting your Mum continue to treat you like that. There are other caring adults in your life, your Dad and grandparents to name just three. And like waitingforyou I have the suspicion that your Mum is really struggling with stuff of her own that you may not be aware of. She maybe feels guilty that she didn’t raise you, or is just troubled by depression that possibly has not been recognised…
You have plenty plenty more options than to contemplate any kind of final solution Lifeshard. Please continue to post here if it helps you. Lots love, Zoe X