hold me? kiss me? love me! BUT U CANT. ur to far away. r relationship ALMOST ended today. :'( im so sorry. i didnt think u would it that way..just please stay. if i can just be next to..i can get our love back where it was…i know u love me but u knew im suicidal and said ud be there for me…i tell u i started cutting again…i do it again apparently we’re done. NO! please dont do that all ive done is hold back as much as i can from crying..just hoping u were here to hold me…even kiss me. let me know ur still on my side. i love u…just please please dont go. im so sorry u met my darkside.
everyone has a darkside, he had to meet yours eventually. Since he already knew you were a cutter and that you were suicidal. You would think he would expect that yea you got some issues. So if you cut he will break up with you? Seems a bit unreasonable maybe he should try to encourage you to not cut as deep or cut as much more of a gradual thing. Just straight up quitting anything all at once is really hard to do. Then to with a long distance relationship you could always just still cut and hide it from him.
if i do ANYTHING HARMFUL he said we will be done. he used to let me just talk it out now all of a sudden i cant bring it up..i cant hide it from him…i’ll feel guilty…i just want my relationship back to where it was…
well that doesn’t sound good. Seems like if he was one of your main outlets for venting about things and now all of a sudden you can’t talk to him about it, then it will just build up more. At the same time you can’t cut which was probably one of your other main ways of getting through things…Ultimatum’s like that are always kind of baffling to me. Like be a completely different person or else, I mean sure we all WANT the people we care about to improve their lives and not cause themselves pain, but you are who you are and I assume this is how you were when he met you. So now for him to want you to be completely different from the person he got together with in the first place, and expecting this change in such a short amount of time. Well it seems like he is asking for a bit much there.
exactly….hmm if only i knew what was going through his mind…
well generally the best way to find out what someone is thinking…is to ask them 🙂
true…i just fear bringin it up or even how the hell to ask him what hes thinking….we’ve been together 4 months an the first 2: NOTHIN LIKE THIS it was heaven last 2: completely confusing. i might ask him what hes thinking if/when he messages me back
Not to be really negative, I don’t know what you two are like together I guess. But if you are scared to talk to him about these things maybe you guys shouldn’t be going out. You shouldn’t be uncomfortable in a relationship. Like WhatAmIDoingHere said, talk to him first though. Just my opinion 🙂
yea if you are afraid to talk to him or bring up problems that isn’t very good. Seems like you are going to worry about it and try to figure it out for yourself anyway. So better to just try to talk to him, rather then trying to puzzle it out for yourself and ending up coming to the wrong conclusions.
i fear only making him mad thisused to be a very healthy long distanced relationship but the summer turned it partially toxic. idk i need to talk to him at least then if i do i can know wtf is goin on….
Good luck 🙂 You can do it
Also your icon thing looks like a dog, quite adorable 🙂
yea just seems like you guys need to talk more, and figure things out especially when you say this has been going on for a while 2 of the 4 months you have been together. lol the icon things I kind of thought they were like ink blot tests or something haha
oh yeah I’m seeing it. At first I hated the pictures, but now they are quite amusing 🙂