let me get straight to the point im a normal boy who is determined to have something that satisfy me. I was sponsored in a university i left my country 3wks ago and i arrived in a different world so when i got in i had one thing in my mind (i am number one). Then those goofs said that i should take theology i protested by saying i am not interested with islamic theology. I called my parents they were dissapointed but they said (study my son i know u can do this) i accepted it and another shocking news is that i should learn arabic as if those people are fundamentalists.
I wanted to endure this but i cant and never will learn arabic. I was thinking about killing myself because i cant stand this it has been just 3 wks and i cant bear with the situation anymore i see myself as a failure. Lately i have been sick and i lost weight, my face became thinner, im losing my hair. When i look in the mirror i feel like…….. This is exhausting all i ever wanted was at least i should have something that i want for once….just once i pray by asking God to help me. Disappointment is like a knife that cuts you. I just want to end the misery by ending myself.
Sounds like you’re suffering from fatigue. You should try to slow things down a bit, get plently of sleep and eat properly. Study what interests you and what will give you a livable future. What sort of job opportunities are there for an islamic theologian?
Um, Scar… He doesnt want to be either. Read again lol.
Ali, Scar is right about you needing to take things a bit slowly now. You seem to have been rushed into this new strange environment. Find and do what it takes to relax some. You can be successful on your terms. Peace.
Things aren’t going well
last week i did an arabic exam without answering anything. Im homesick and the place i stay are full of fundamentalist which i dislike. Plus i never intended to pursue theology i wanted something that suites me i keep on telling my mum im not okay she starts crying which really hurts plus my body figure is drastically changing my weight, my youthful look and my esteem
When i heard that my family are counting on me its too much i cant handle things. Its not easy i will be a great dissapointment to them
hey man i went to college for a semester, i went to the same engineering college both my parents and my brother in law went too, i failed miserably but i learned more than what they could teach in books, do what makes you happy, cause if you dont you could pass this class graduate and get a job but ull just be suicidal later when you hate the job you have. Your family will understand thats why they are your family. stay strong and rest a bit
are you muslim? If so, you’re pretty much screwed if you think you can choose your own destiny and please your parents at the same time. Pride is life and death to muslims and you going against the families wishes would be dishonourable. If what you actually want to do with your life will bring prestige to your family, then your parents may not be upset if you change your major. Bringing home a degree in engineering or becoming a doctor would be just as good as doing exactly what your mother wants. They want the best for you and if your focus isn’t religion to save your eternal soul, then it should be something that will benefit your entire family in this life.
I really want to change my major but im being sponsored.