IM SERIOUS. this is NO LIE. every relationship ive ever been in, has been longdistanced and somene i met online. WHY? what the fuck is wrong with me in person???? i keep track in my mind at school whos single and who aint..well turns out in my grade? im like the only one who isnt walking beside their bf. this is so nerve wrecking like huh am i a loner? maybe. i just wish i knew why im so unappealing in one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet (unless u piss me off and u will wish u never knew me) so ita gotta be they way i look..ive heard it a million times “ur attractive just id never think of dating u” or “ur sweet and all but u cant be my gf..your not that hot” ugh! sorry this is only annoyin me cuz homecoming is in 2 weeks, everyone has their dates but my bf is 1000 mi away:L so i have no choice but not to go unless solo but i feel horrible that no ones asked me cuz NO ONE AT SCHOOL knows im in a long distanced relationship
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First of all you should always ignore someone who says you not attractive enough, no one is going to live up to everyone standards. The way you are is why you keep having the kind of relationships you have, that does not means it bad or good unless there a negative affect from it or you see it negatively. you should be glad you have some and not comparing yourself to others, I never felt alone… when I had mine, yet she was 4,000 miles away, because I carried her with me inside. Nothing else about the way life work for others matter to me. – be the best of you not the best of what you think other people want you to be.