Hey. I’m the Knight of Flowers. I’m Hungarian, 23 years old and have a great job which comes with superb salary. My problem is I can’t stop thinking about who I was: a f’in poor guy who worked for anybody just to earn the money to pay the rent, buy some food. Now I’m rich but I don’t want to be successful because there are people starving or get killed for no reason. Wait, there is a reason: human’s cruelty. We live in a world where most people are evil, only act when their action results in benefits. You can be lucky, have a great life for few years but can you call that success in a world where you only can move on if you harm others?
I’m not interested in wisdoms like “life is beautiful” cause they’re lies. Of course you can make it beautiful for yourself by ruining someone’s life. Attending universities, being hired as a CEO in a company, deciding about someone’s life by fireing her/him or not. Acting like God won’t make you a better person. The thought of you did everything you could… bullsht. You only do what the (cruel) society expects you to do. The society which kills hundreds, thousands of innocent people for no reason every day.
When someone makes the choice of comminting suicide he’s f’in right. No matter if he is a homeless hobo or the president of the USA. The homeless is much more honest because she/he feels the pain the president can’t. However only the president has the oppurtunity to do something. Sad thing she/he won’t do anything at all because “life is beautiful”. Right now.
I’m sorry, I’m drunk.
1 comment
If the roles were reversed to suggest that the predominantly disadvantaged would do anything better is fanciful. If all of the worlds resources were divided equally then nobody would have anything.