To think I almost committed suicide last Tuesday. My plan was to hang myself in the school bathroom. Well I attempted to. Left with marks on my neck. I realized what I had going for me. I have a life and an amazing boyfriend and a family who loves me truly. I couldn’t ask for anything better. The reason why I almost committed suicide was because I was being bullied at school by two of my classmates. They both spread rumors and make mean side comments to me. One treats me like I’m nothing to her. I have some friends here a PC. I have one person I can trust and that is my ex-boyfriend. I don’t trust anyone else here at my school. After that day I was literally sent to Richard Young Hospital. Where I got the treatment I needed. I got better while I was there. I learned that God put me on this planet for a reason and that I’m not the only one struggling with this suicide/depression thing going on. There’s always people who care for you and want to help you.
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I like your story. How old are you? I bet you’re under 17, cuz if you are, then let me tell you, when you get a little bit older none of these things will matter to you. You’re going to realize that spreading rumors is a problem that only occurs in disney movies and when people spread rumors later, youre gonna laugh and think how retarded they are. You think in 10 years it’s gonna matter what people in high school said? Nope.