It’s always the same, every day is the same struggle, same shit, I don’t want to do this any more. I don’t want to be this person any more, sitting in this shit room in a house that isn’t mine with strangers, and nobody to talk to. I’m oh so tired, no exhausted, of trying to find happiness. It just continually eludes me. I want to go. I want to give up. Then I think about how devastated I’d be If I lost any of my family, and I can’t do it, I can’t do that to them, so I’m stuck, this shell of a person living this shit life not knowing how to do anything about it. I wish I could just sleep and not wake up. That would be… Bliss!
Where your living ate. you sound home sick.? college or university.?
Stop looking for happiness. Because it usually shows up once you stop looking. It’s one of those things that just kind of happens on accident. It won’t happen right away, but it won’t take forever to happen. Just have a little bit of patience.
Sadly Donnie neither, I’m 31 and am so in debt all I can afford is a room in a rented house with people I don’t know and have nothing in common with. I just don’t have any friends. @emotionless Its been like this for 3 years and shows no sign of changing, how much patience can I have?! If I wait nothing happens, and if I’m proactive things get worse.
Flatmate’s can be a pain in the arss. You got to find somewhere else.