hello my name is stan,im a 18 yearold highschool student, the thing that ment the most to me in my life was taken away monday , my gf or i guess you could say ex gf (whos name will not be said) she was killed in a car accident by a drunk driver in the rain at around 10 pm we were dateing since 5th grade we were both seniors. she was the love of my life we were engaged i was gonna marry this amazing beautiful women she helped me with everything she made me who i am today when ever i was doing bad in school who was there to help me her,whenever i had family issues who was there? her,honestly i never really had any guy best friends or even just guy friends i just had her shes all i had and i was all she had,i miss her so much and i dont know any other way of life except being with her i have literally been with her most of my life! shes all i can ever think about and now its even worse for the last 2 days all ive done is wake up and cry, cry threw the day cry my self to sleep take pain medication because my stomach is upset because shes not here honestly i literally think my heart is both physicly and emotinaly breaking i cant take this pain anylonger i have to do something about people say cheer up youll find someone else theres someone for every one,but they dont understand she was my someone not only that she was my everything and i love her with all my heart and soul and i would do ANYTHING to bring her back thats a fact,my life dosent matter anymore she was all i lived for and all i had to live for i cant go somewhere with out there being a memory about us poping into my head and killing me i cant even walk in my own house because of all the memories and pictures, im staying with my grandparents but i cant go to school eathier i just break down in the middle of the hallway and when people try to help i get angry and mad at them like its there fault even though its not… she wouldent want me to do that she had the purist soul youve ever seen the blondest hair in the world eyes that were bluer then a mile below the sea and a smile and careing heart that lit up my world and gave me a reason to live her laugh sent chills down my spine and i cant imagine going on any further with out her..
As you said, she wouldn’t want you to do this. It’s obvious that she loved you, and because of that I’m sure that, if she could say anything, she would tell you that you have to keep fighting and that she want you to be happy, even without her. I’m sure she doesn’t want that you give up.
I’m so sorry to hear this. I don’t even know what to say. This girl obviously loved you very much.