i have been feeling pretty good after me and my boyfriend got back together he made me feel so happy again and the happiest girl in the world, me and him was all that mattered to me. I got him back and only realized after he moved away this week that i was so dependent on him too make me happy, he is the only reason i want to get out of bed some days! he said he would come back after two months but lets not bull shit our self he is most likely going to stay with his parents alot longer then two months. he was trying to protect me from the truth as long as he could and wanted to make the moments with me last, he told me he was leaving the day of the move! he totally broke my heart all over again and hurt me like he did the first time and i feel pretty stupid he is not breaking up with me we are still together but i just can not believe i took him back after everything we have been threw because i thought it would be worth it. he makes me so happy and i do not feel depressed or sad knowing i have him. its just sometimes i wish there was an easier way to just let go and not be so dependent on him. also i am no longer living with my mom i am staying with a friend and that has been working out and i feel alot safer away from her i just am so confused and i do not want to be pushed over the edge by him again 🙁
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Hi, FA. So are you just saying that you hate the long distance relationship? I can’t stand a lack of physical contact, either. * Don’t kid yourself on what you think you want, realize you need, believe is important, or even know is essential to you. * The people in a relationship must accept compromises for it to remain a joyful thing. If he’s not feeling the intensity you do about all this, bad news. If he’s simply unable to be at your side as frequently as you’d like (ex: police, firemen, medical staff, soldiers, overnight labor, college in a land far far away)… Then no one is at fault of circumstances. Then it’s not him, it’s your grief over not seeing him.
I can’t predict your future with him, FA… but you have control over your response to this situation. Love yourself first, then share. Peace.