I can’t go on anymore. I have no hope anymore. I feel too much tension. I feel like im so trapped in a world of sadness and failure. I cant stop crying. Not a day goes by that i dont cry. Not a day goes by that i cant sleep. Waking up in the middle of the night scared, and crying. I look in the mirrior and i see failure. Everyday i look in the mirrior i see myself fading away. I cant hold on anymore i feel it slipping away. So everyday i cut my wrists, burn myself to try and fight the pain inside of me, but it only last so long before im back in my bed dead, crying away my pain at night. I used to be afraid of the dark but now it has become my friend. I walk the lonely streets by myself thinking. I have no freinds and i never had any true friends so i guess thats whats made me so vulnerable to the darkness. I feel like im surrounded by demons who keep trying to take me. They constantly tell me that im no one. I just want to end it all. Life is pain. I cant stop thinking about ending it all myself. But i can’t end my life. Somewhere in my heart I can still feel hope. But everyday becomes worse. That hope is starting to slip away. I cant succeed. Success is not for me. Why try anymore i fail i always fail in school, sports…I FAIL in life. I will write my first and lets hope last suicide note tonight. I will try to end it all tonight.
Hello LoneWolf23,
I am a seven time survivor or failure…depending on how you look at it. Can I have a vote here? I read your post…I feel your pain…I’ve lived it…and I’m still here. You are the one that said that you can’t end your life…that you still feel some hope…so for you I would say…DON’T DO ANYTHING FOOLISH!!!
If I thought that your pain and fear were insurmountable…I would change my vote…but you haven’t shown that to be the case. You don’t have to try to kill yourself for the pain to end…just get help…whether from your family, friends, doctor, juju man, or here on SP…but don’t give up yet. I am living testament to the “fact” that it always gets darkest just before the dawn.
Here if you want to talk
Here if you would like someone to listen
I wish you peace no matter what
how did you deal with failure? I failed once and im already falling apart.
Thank you very much for your words of wisdom. I’m no longer in the dark anymore,…I made it out alive.
There is hope for the rest of us then, t hhh ank you 🙂
What did you do to pass through it?
It’s hard to explain every detail of it and everybody always asks me “how did you do it?” and I always tell them to NEVER LOSE HOPE. Hope is what lets us gather strength to get up and try again. Hope is what lets us see ourselves getting past these hard times in life. HOPE IS THE MAIN KEY TO ALL OF THIS. Once you gather enough hope; you gotta ACT. You have to attack this thing head on despite the pain….and trust me there will be pain but that’s part of overcoming and growing. Now I’m not talking about physical pain (so don’t self harm anymore if you do), I’m talking about the voice inside your mind…the voice that talks to you negatively. I’m talking about the voice that tells you that you don’t have what it takes to overcome your challenges. You must rid yourself of negative self talk. IT’S A KILLER!…Don’t let your past catch up to you. You’re past doesn’t matter anymore. You need to focus on the present. You need to ask yourself what is it that needs to change in the present not the past because you can’t change the past but you can still change the present. Accept your past and Just keep your head up and move forward, take life one day at a time.
I feel your pain too, lonewolf23, and I agree with Amakua2309, you said it yourself, you feel the hope somewhere there within your present trap of agony, and even though you cannot live on like this anymore, this can change for you even though it feels like it never will. Like Ama writes, please don’t do anything foolish, hold on, and keep yourself alive.
(Forgive me if this comes out wrong. I’m very tired and I don’t know the situation you’re in)
“How do you deal with failure?”
I know it’s much easier said than done, but dealing from failure means learning from it. Learning from it does not mean dwelling on what could have happened etc. It means reflecting back on it and thinking “Why did this happen?” to learn from it means to not put blame on yourself from the situation. It means to acknowledge that you did something wrong but moving on from it and accepting that you did something wrong. You deal with the failure by accepting the consequences, working your way through them and then thinking about how you can improve your situation with the given circumstances. Sometimes failure is just a heavily disguised opportunity. Life is the master of deceiving. Think things through. Take a break, stay calm. With an open mind it is easier to see the windows in the walls that seem to close in. Cheers 🙂