It’s becoming worst as the days painfully past by, remember when I could fake a smile? When I could act happy? When I could be near people I don’t feel comfortable near or I could be in big crowds and deal with it? I can’t even do that anymore. I’ve isolated myself to the point where I won’t talk to anyone unless they talk to me first, to where if I don’t know you all I’ll say is hi. It’s gotten to the point where I can’t even be near people, I’m too emotionally unstable; I’ll either get annoyed and really pissed of at every little thing everyone does, or I’ll become emotionless until the point where I break and cry, or I’ll just start balling silently when everyone keeps asking what’s wrong when nothings every gone right. Right now I never knew how loud silence could actually be, its one of my loud cries for help but no one sees that.
danni, are you okay dear??
i hear your cries! i feel them shaking inside me! i will be your friend. even if you lose hope, i won’t. i’m Dan. I care for you.
no im not Charlie. /:
Thanks Dan.
oh, no 🙁 whats wrong? same stuff?
message me on Skype, i’ll be on in a minute i need to take my meds.
message me on Skype, i’ll be on in a minute i need to take my meds.
i did