hi. well my name is zoe I’m 14 and I think I’m really depressed I’ve had emotional issues since I was in fifth grade but I haven’t ever told anyone about it. I’m a middle child in between two brothers. my dad neglects me and verbally abuses me while I think my mom is great. I hate my life so much and no matter how hard I try I can’t seem to find anything to do about it. I’m so scared that I’m going to end up killing myself cause that’s not what I want to happen. I cut myself on a regular basis and I can’t stop im also an achoholic. right now I am with a nineteen year old and I love him more than life itself  some of you may find this slightly disturbing but I have never felt so complete with someone in my life. I want to tell someone all of my secrets and just put them out there but I have no friends everyone hates me. I want to tell someone about what I think it’s depression but I’m scared one or maybe two things will happen first, they will think I’m just some stupid girl trying to get attencent or they will find somethin really wrong with me and ill have to be put on meds that will change who I am. will someone please give me advice before I make a huge mistake?
Well for one you`re a 14 year old dating an 19 year old. And you`re and alchoholic… try to get off alchohol because that will just mess you up more. And if your Dad Verbally Abuses you then just ignore it and tell yourself that you will be better than what your dad is saying about you. You will succeed and you will be better than anyone in this world. You can be whatever you want to be. Just look forward into the future everyday say to yourself “I AM IMPORTANT AND I WILL SUCCEED I WONT LET ANYONE WIN” Because if you commit suicide then you`re just letting the world win. Fuck the world. you`re gonna win because its just you against the world. Don’t let the world win and just be you. Everyone else can go screw themselves because you are you. No one can change that and if they don’t like you for who you are then they can go screw themselves. You`ll find someone who likes you for who you are. 🙂 Lots and love~ I wish the best for you -Gaby
Rainbow pretty much summed it up. You should devote some of your energy to trying to fix yourself as a person. Forget everyone else, they’re irrelevant. Don’t let the scum of society drag you down. If you can find who you are as a person, it’ll change how other people see you (not that you’ll care, you’re fabulous :v).
My point is that life is hard. The sheer act of living in a world like ours is agonizing. Ditch the alcohol and put yourself out there. You’ll be surprised at what you can find.