My life, as I see it, is a sea without any shore.
I’m 16 years old, God knows if I have high blood pressure and liver disease, I have no money, I dont have the girl that I love and I have the worst relation with my parents.
I’m completely alone. No real friends, family, nothing. Nada.
I dont know if I will get the girl that I love and every other thing will be alright.
I’m from Bangladesh, and this country is a third world country which sucks, and I’m trapped here.
I know many of you here writes sad things that I have no love and no friends and then log out and hang out with 20 friends and have good parents.
My parents, who are supposed to be helping me, and supporting my endeavours, have sadly gone against me. They’re working against my views and insulting me every chance they get. And when you’re in a 3rd world country like Bangladesh and 16 years old I dont think there’s anything you can do other than suicide really.
I really dont want to die, but do I have any choice?
Move out of Bangladesh.?
Hey SOB, I am also from a third world country. I am 17. I am a girl. And after what happened with my ex I am no longer interested in marriage and having kids. I spend my whole school vacation at home. I hate my mother even worse than I hate the corrupt government officials. I just HATE HER…. with all my might and strength…. she abused me, and is never there for me… when I am old enough to get a job and all, I promise myself I will NEVER be there for her… Oh my just typing this makes me wanna bang my keyboard.
Hahah thanks for making me laugh, I have not laughed in a while. Do you really think it is easy for a 16 year old to move out of Bangladesh? No developed countries will take me, and parents will not help me. Your immigration rules get more strict day by day to keep people like us out isnt it?
Where are you from Hogpotter?