I thought you were perfect. how could I have been so very wrong? I trusted you. you lost that trust when you touched me when you weren’t supposed to. I hold in this anger every day. you should have never touched me. I didn’t give you permission. you wouldn’t stop.. I can’t stop remembering the sun on your back.. I was too far away to scream. no one would have heard me.. I tried to push you off. I told you no. I begged you to stop. just STOP. but you got what you wanted in the end. you always got what you wanted.. I was just a body. I wasn’t a person in that moment. I was nothing. I am unclean. I am tainted. impure.  when it was over you stood up and acted like it was nothing. you didn’t threaten me. I was numb. my dad called my phone and I answered. WHY DIDN’T I TELL HIM THEN WHAT HAD HAPPENED. you forced yourself on me and then told me you loved me. like you didn’t just…. I hate you. I hate you. I HATE YOU. and now I have to see your face every day in the hallways and I see you laugh and joke around like you’re on top of the world. and everyone loves you. how would they feel if they knew the truth of what you did? I could tell them. tell everyone. but then I would look foolish. everyone would think I was stupid. so I suffer silently.. alone. no one knows how it feels to be so unclean. to be so tainted.
1 comment
1 comment
I’m so sorry for what happened to you.The pure evil of some is dishearting but know people like that lives are short and unhappy.I wish the worse for him as.”I cry from the depths O’Lord”