Face it, friends want something. Whether it’s companionship, belonging, someone to talk to, someone to drive them home when they’re piss drunk, someone to borrow money from, someone to move furniture for free, or whatever, they want something. A successful friendship is based on a fair balance of giving & receiving these things. But some of us don’t want and don’t need any of those things. As a result we end up giving everything and receiving nothing. Friends serve no logical purpose. Oh but try going through life without friends and society labels you a freakshow, a misanthrope, a socially maladjusted head case. So every few days, I go through the pointless ritual of meeting friends for lunch, visiting, talking on the phone, bailing them out when they’re in a jam, pretending I enjoy their company, and wasting time and money and emotions on them. But all I want is to be left alone to live and die the way I want.
I’d rather have no friends than fake friends. I’m a loner and will ALWAYS be one! Welcome to the fam
Well put. Fake friends just drag you down. I think I had a “real” friend once, I remember he never asked for anything and he never got mad if I disappeared for months. But for the last 10 years I haven’t met anyone that I want to know. Sucks that I have to keep pretending
Actual friends have a lot of logical purpose. They’ll be more likely to go out of their way to give you a hand and can help pass the time.