From the age of around 2-4 years old i was abused for the first time, my old babysitters son grinded against me when he was hard and i tried to get away from him but being a child he was much stronger and would not allow it. When i went to kindergarten another boy would try to touch me and i pleaded with him to stop but it didn’t end till the year was over and he had violated other girls as well. When i was five years old i begged GOD to kill me everyday. It got to the point where i wrapped a bad around my neck and pulled, my mom saw me do this and said simply “get the bag off your head” then walked away from me. My parents divorced when i was little and like every little kid i wanted them back together, not like every little kid my grandma took it upon herself to make me her source of comfort. My grandma told me my mom cheated on my dad and that she broke his heart, i hated my mom for so long because of her. Then my grandma abused me sexually as well, i didn’t want to go to her house after that and i was often frightened of her. She’s also the reason i cant say I’m angry or sad or upset, she used to give my dad bloodied lips when he said he didn’t like something. When he tried to move out at 21 she smacked him across the face. Now I’m 14 and I’m suicidal, there’s not a day that goes by i want to do it and i sit there thinking about it. I feel guilty for even writing this, i feel like I’m hurting other people and making an inconvenience to them, or burden. I cant explain myself enough because no matter what i do i think its my fault. I love my boyfriend to death but if I’m being honest even he contributes to my suicidal tendencies, he raped me before… i was crying during the whole thing and he didn’t stop… once he finished he told me he was sorry… So i don’t know if i should continue living anymore… he calls me worthless and its my fault for listening and not leaving and angeering him but in all honesty i don’t want to leave him, it scares me.
I serously think you need to leave him hes only hurting you..and putting your posts on here is not a burden..they wont find here for you. i went through the same things but not with family members. im still dealing with it today to try to get over my fear of men touching me and im 18 now.I think you need to realize you are a precious human being and that you are in charge of your life not them..
im really sorry..and if you ever need someone to talk to email me at :
i will always be there for you:)
thank you so much, its really hard for me to talk about things with my upbringing, i dont have alot of self confidence but it means alot that you say things like that… im considering leaving him its hard to and i hate to admit it
Unless he has a reconciling trait. Which to reconcile rape and emotional abuse…I can’t think of anything that would outweigh that. You should definitely leave him. He’s using your apin against you, and you neither need nor deserve that. I’m disgusted by what your grandmother and those bos did to you, and so very sorry for you. I would suggest in a way almost starting over? If you can afford it, move away somewhere. If you can’t afford that, at least try to avoid places with lots of negative memories. Join some clubs maybe, perhaps spend time at a park- make new friends. Find a hobby. Create a life much lovlier than the one you’ve been forced through thus far.