So, I’ve been happy. But things still don’t go how I need them to. Â Trevor will talk to me, of course. He even jokes with me and stuff. But he also still goes out with Kendall. But still. I wish it was me in her place. Gosh. The sad thing is that he doesn’t have a “type”. I can’t figure out what it is that he likes in a girl! He has dated girls that are nothing alike! None of them have anything in common. Anyway, it’s not like it would matter anyway. If he doesn’t like me, good for him. I’m not going to change myself for a guy. I enjoy what I enjoy, and if they like me enough, they’ll be able to accept that. I liked a guy named Drew last year. But he only liked skinny girl that were popular, and they had to be in choir or play a sport. (So pretty much, he hated me). Or at least, that’s what Emily says. I’m not skinny, I know. I don’t play sports. I do sing, though. I’m not in choir, but I like to sing. I don’t think I’m good at it, but random people have heard me and told me that my voice is beautiful. Oh well. So, I moved on. The funny thing is, though: Drew stared at me last year, and still does this year. Emily won’t let me have a golden moment, though. Logan, the guy who stares at me all the time, and whom I think likes me, Emily says that he doesn’t. Okay, then you tell me what that is. Maybe I have something on my face… Oh wait, I do. Â A birthmark. A big, ugly, red one on my right temple. It’s just part of why I keep my hair over my face. I hate it when people point it out. I’m as sensitive about that as I am about my cuts. I’m pretty self-conscious. I can’t help it. If I don’t criticize myself, someone else will. I get to go on a shopping spree in a few weeks at the mall. Maybe I can get some dresses and some really pretty stuff while I’m there. Maybe that will make things better. Let’s hope so.
Am I Slipping Again?
written by TrumpetChick99
I’ve read through your posts, and…Emily’s put-downs are like a defensive reflex: for some reason, she feels threatened whenever you are happy or successful.
In your previous post you said “Emily just acts like she’s all I’ve got.” The reverse may actually be true: Emily may feel you’re her only friend, and that you’ll leave her if you start doing well… Try telling her you don’t want to be her friend anymore, and see how she reacts.
The bad part is, every time I try to tell her, she just freaks out. Seriously. And I hate being mean to people, so she pretty much guilts me into being friends with her. But I’m pretty much to the point that I don’t care. When I see her at school today, I’m going to tell her that I’m sick of the way she treats me, and I just don’t want to be her friend anymore. I just hope it all works out okay.
I think she really does feel you’re her only friend…it would certainly explain why she freaks out, at least…
Oh, I do have one more suggestion: tell her you’ll only be her friend again if she, completely and absolutely, STOPS treating you badly.