WOOHOO! Finally, the one thing I have ALWAYS wanted is happening, and for real this time too! My parents are splitting up. I have been, mentally,emotionally, and even slightly physically abused but now it should be over right? Coz finally mum is going to save us from our so called “dad” errrerrrr. This is what happens when you expect to much from life. Life says wooah! Slow down there cowboy, I ain’t gonna let you off the hook that easily! Dad had officially gone crazy. If you’ve ever seen my posts then you will get a feel for how much a  phsycopath he is, but my pathectic words can’t begin to describe  how things really are. Well anyway mum has found us a new house, a new bus to get to school everything was almost sorted, he lost it. Officialy like never before lost it. Mum was sitting in the living room , just borrowed my laptop and i had just reached the top of the landing to go to bed. He grabbed mum, life smack grabbed her, slapping her face in the process, grabbed her by the clothes closest her neck, with such force her threw her onto the floor and she just missed banging her head off the glass table, (the glass table which he had replaced after he smashed his fist and foot threw it in a temper late last year) and he was screaming at her, she just kept saying “name, name name *insert fathers name here* what are you doing?” I rushed downstairs again, and screamed at him to stop full on screamed like ive never screamed at him before, he turned to look at me, and he was a hollow empty man, his eyes where white with rage, face blotchy red and he had no idea of what he was doing. Endless love letters ive had to write for him to mum, a letter on the verge of a suicide letter, day trips to the cinema, money, being unaturally nice. This hell, is a new one, worse than any hell he has ever put me through before….and that is saying something.
You are your mum are getting out soon, right? Stay strong for each other. You’re doing good.
Hopefully, and thanks
You should call the police and have him hauled away. He could have killed your mom, unintentionally. I hope you both can leave safely. Stay safe and be strong. *hug*
For some reason mom wouldn’t do that. >:S But thanks *gratefully accepts hug*
Depending where ur from, if its legal, get a taser. I know it sounds stupid and over the top, but the same thing happened to my ex and her mom. Her dad went on a drunk, crazy rampage, tried to take a bat after her mom. So she tased him, and called the police while he was out on the floor. Just an idea! And here if you need advice about that divorce stuff. Been there myself.