I’m certain I’m not the only 24 year old out there with a depression issue but I’d like to try and figure this out. I am relativly successful. I recently got out of the military and started college and am going to try and get into the nursing program. I had a lot of issues when I was around 16/17 with depression. Then I got better then again when I was 19 and living alone. I joined the military shortly there after and was fine until the extreme amount of stress was too much to handle any more after 3.5 years. Now i am here in a newer town where i know a few peopld and have made a few friends but i still find myself stuck in my apartment and finding excuses not to attend school because i can’t get out of bed more or less. I’ve noticed that by drinking less and taking vitamins that my mood tends to be better, but if I let myself party a couple nights over the weekend then I am in recovery mode for a couple days. Latley, it seems there’s not a whole lot to live for though really. I mean the ‘end of the world’ just happened, but what if it really did happen? Then everything you’ve done up to that point is lost. If you die tomorrow, sure some people will be sad but in the grand scheme of things you’ll be forgotten and the lights will be turned off. Religion sure give you somthing to live for but also this life has given us the ability to question. It’s aweful in the aspect that rather than just enjoying life and surviving it for as long as we can, we have to go questioning this and try to find a purpose for us being here. I can’t accept stories written by other humans. It’s hard just to follow the herd. But it’s equally as hard to wake up the next morning with out any purpose but still with the question of what is my purpose. The best I can do is ignore it and go on pretending to be happy but it doesn’t always happen that way. Aside from religion, kids, family, ect, what does help you get up in the morning? I am not joining a religion or having kids anytime soon. My family is awesome but i’m not nessicarily going to live for them. Just curious. Thanks.
I think getting out of military was a good decision. I know people who have stayed in and quite honestly, it is scary to see how it has changed them into people who are just closed off to the rest of the world.
As for God – I think I still believe in God, but I am beginning to hate people who say after major tragedies – it was God’s will and if God wants us to suffer than there is a reason for that. I can’t believe in this and it makes me angry.
The closest I have ever got to anything spiritual was through ayahuasca – (read about it, you may find it interesting). And it really works wonders for depression.
I also try to pretend that I am happy, but in the long run, it makes things worse and it makes it harder to have meaningful relationships with other people.
All in all, I wrote this reply hoping that perhaps knowing that you are not alone feeling this way will bring a slight relief.
I don’t actually think that it is the end of the world, I think the nation is waking up to realising that people are living lives that are full of pretence.
good question… i cant see a reason either! im not going to go into any religion at all, kids are also not on my plans, family is great too but im also not living for them. So not much to complain about in those terms. im also curious.
And agree with your last sentence Christina, maybe thats the supposedly “end of the world”…