I don’t know. my parents were addicted to meth. To be honest my mom did meth through out the time I was in her stomach. I did not come out wrong I was never normal though. My parents loved me of course but they were always to busy doing drugs and stealing from the government to really take good care of me. My mom eventually went to prison for 5 year. I was sad of course but she left all the time anyways so it was normal. My dad quit meth. He started drinking. Most people would be happy but my dad was worse when he was drinking. Me and my brother were never good enough. It felt like torture to know I would be up all night getting screamed at and trying to keep my dad from killing my brother. My father is a very good dad when he is not drinking but he never quit until a year ago. I never blame my dad or mom for me being depressed because it was the past I should just suck it up and get over it right? I was also raped for a couple years by someone who is very close to my family I still have to see him. That hurts. I could blame him but I don’t. I always blame myself. Even though the thing that happened through out my life has made a huge difference in who I am to day. I know that I could really never really get away from this mess. If only I could scream HELP. Tell them how I feel  but life is not that easy I’m not gonna destroy my family because I’m suffering. Don’t get me wrong I’m proud of my parents. They both are clean now. So why can’t I just move on I don’t want to be stuck in the past anymore.
im addicted to my past and i want to kill myself
I want to die.
Sam, none of the things that have happened to you are your fault. It’s not your fault your parents did drugs, it’s not your fault your father drank, it’s not your fault you were raped. How could it possibly be your fault? You were just a child. They were supposed to *protect* you.
Even if you parents have made progress, the wounds they inflicted are very real. Just because they healed doesn’t mean you have, and that’s ok. I wish you *would* scream “HELP”. You need it. Someone needs to pay attention to your needs for once. Please ask your family to take you to therapy – you can’t deal with so much hurt on your own.
I wish I could take your pain away, Sam… Maybe a hug would help? *HUGS* (sigh) As Letmesleep said, it’s not your fault for anything that has happened to you… Nobody could ever ask you to suck it up… because you can’t. You don’t know how to. Maybe you don’t think you could ever heal, but you can. As time passes, you understand yourself and what’s happening to you more and more… and you learn to handle the pain… And you will learn to let go of the past, of all the hurt inside you… The future is what matters… And by the way… I’m always here to help you through it, Sammie! So, please don’t give up! 🙂
wow hun, you’ve been through so much its not even fair! but stay strong (: