I’m tired of trying to be like I was before; happy, etc. I just want to take a break for a little while. I’m not going to cut, or at least I’ll try not to, but I’m not going to really be happy either. I think that Trevor doesn’t like me. I’m not using any buts this time. No hope for it. I’m done with him. For real. No crawling back. Thinking back on it, he’s probably at least 25% of why I was so unhappy before. I just don’t care about him. I mean, I don’t even want to think about him. Or any other guy. There aren’t any guys that I know that are worth liking. I’m just done. For a little while, at least. Or maybe forever. I’m not sure yet. I just don’t want to get hurt again. I’m sick of feeling bad. Oh, and I forgot to mention something. Somebody started a rumor that I had sex with Jamie’s brother. I didn’t. If I had, I would say that I did, but I didn’t. I don’t even like him. But I’m done with trying to get revenge, too. “Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord”. I’m just gonna let go, and let God. If he has someone for me, okay. If he doesn’t, I guess that’s okay, too. Anyways, I guess I’m not really taking a break from life, I’m just taking a break from all of the drama. I’ve got a lot to live for right now, and drama isn’t a part of it. Bye for now.
I feel better when I let things like rumors and bitchy people go. You’re doing a courageous thing by focusing on yourself. I wish I could be like you.
Good on you. What will be will be, no point obsessing about things you can’t change