I honestly feel bad but assured about not telling my parents about my problems. I know I have problems and im a fuck up but I don’t want my parents to know that. My dad is trying to work as hard as possible to get his vacation leave and my mom is having problems at work. Both my parents are trying to keep the house we live in and they’re trying their best to pay for everything. My parents never even had a wedding like a full on wedding with the cake and the decorated themed church. And I want to give them that chance. I don’t want to be a burden for them and have them have to pay for more bills. I think that’s the main reason. I want them to be happy and I want them to be first before myself. And the reason im so sad is because no one else treats me this way and it kills me. No one ever truly cares how I feel or how im feeling. My parents think I go to school, learn crap, and go home being a lazy ass spoiled bum. But truly I go to school get hurt come home and cry it out. I want someone to listen to my problems I just want one person to be there and stay. I love being alone but I hate feeling lonely. Love Always Lauren…
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