Since I was seventeen I have suffered from an anxiety disorder so that’s four years now. It gets better then it gets worse. The constant up and down exhausts me so much. I have tried all types of treatments and I consider myself quite a worldly and wise person for my age. I have tried much self therapy and my own things to help with recovery but I have only gotten so far and fallen back in the hole that is my disorder. I have contemplated suicide numerous times but have never actually attempted it. I’m sick of it and I’m just tired so tired. I’m tired of being scared and I’m tired of fighting. I have had much support but the effects of my illness and the events that led up to my illness just never get better. Anyways I’ve pondered deeply on the matter and have concluded I wish to go. I’m
Looking for a calm and peaceful exit from my anxiety ridden life does anyone have any suggestions? I’m certain I can get a variety of medications from the health care professionals I see I am in Australia though so drug names instead of brand names please! (If mentioning drugs) please help me help myself.
I also suffer from an anxiety disorder and it is a ***** i know. It’s hard to accept life when continued living takes on the same meaning as agony. I have tried every treatment available to me but nothing works. my only advice: make sure you die in the attempt, failure tends to mean waking up in a hospital with brain damage or kidney failure
I know how you feel although I had my first anxiety attack when I was 5. I am trying to relax from one as we speak. I wish I could take their medication they say should help but it doesn’t.
I take zoloft. Its pretty well known. It helps me alot. I suggest a psychiatrist first because they can take the time to talk with you and figure out exactly what you need. If you rather not then you can go to your family doctor and say that you have real bad anxiety and they should proscribe you.
No no I want to die I’ve tried the medication a few times and it just makes matters worse I’m not interested in trying to get better anymore I’ve just had enough. Thankyou for the suggestions though! Anyone else have any suggestions?