Where do I start off I have a really low self-esteem, when someone calls me ugly I smile and I try to let it go.but I tell everybody I can that their beautiful cause i don’t want them to know how it feels this way i constantly think of suicide i cut and when i do it i don’t do it very deep just enough to feel the pain i cry myself to sleep and i ask god the same question over and over why am i still here? I go to high school and when i see the pretty girls i collapse i try my hardest to look good god damn i need a real friend someone who will cry with me someone who will tell me that im worth it, If only they knew, but they don’t. tomorrow i will put on a fake smile and everybody will believe it. My mom she doesn’t understand i hope that i die as soon as i can this has gone to far and now no one can help me, It’s hard to go to school everyday and look at the girls with the perfect body, in other words everything, i cry at night and i keep it top secret, people tell me they care but they don’t mean it, i guess they’ll only care when im dead. i guess i’ll finally give up. She writes love one her arms every night, she has a broken heart that no one can save.
I no how you feel. For my whole life I have been teased, picked on, bullied, and for the past 2 year I have been seriously depressed, even suicidal. I need a friend too. Just know that if i knew nothing else about you, the fact that you try every chance you get to make sure others dont feel the same pain as you would be enough. You are a good person. Bad people dont try to lift others up for the sole sake of making the world a better place. even something as simple as telling a girl she is beautiful can change everything. So even though I dont know you, have never seen you, and may never meet you, just know that you are beautiful to me. So next time you smile, dont fake it, smile because you are worth it. smile to feel happy that you went out of your way to remind someone else that they are too. smile because no matter what, you have a friend in me. I have to admit, that last one made me smile too. talk to me anytime and ill listen. if you wanna talk about the jerks at school, your favorite show, anything at all, i will listen. people were not meant to be alone. unfortunately society has a way of isolating us, shunning us, and we have a way of doing it to our selves too. just know that I want to help you, I want to make you smile, I want you to know that everything will be ok. And if it is ok for you, maybe everything will be ok for me too. you can reach me on this site or if you prefer at my username at google mail. I really do hope to hear from you, and more then anything I hope that you will smile and you will believe it.
Can I try to help?
I’m not actually there I know, but I can try to make you feel better, right?
My email is brl.cents@gmail.com