Some days are better than other, but it always comes back to the worse ones, no matter what.
I hide from battles with my mom that i don’t want to fight.
But at this point i’m not sure who’s to blame anymore.
I TRY so much, to make everything right. Perfect. I plan and plan, but it leads to nothing.
I’ m useless. I think i do something very good and impressive, then the next day i apparently don’t do anything.
I try to help fix issues we have in the house, then the next i’m just like HER.
I want to be different, not be compared to someone else, but I end up being judged and shamed.
Sometimes I can laugh and smile with you, but It all feels unreal, cause i can feel the hate… deep down in there, boiling up. Waiting to EXPLODE.
Sometimes I wish you would die. I think you’re UGLY when you’re mad. I hate to admit it, but it’s true. I feel more hatred then love towards you, and I blame you for it.
I stopped telling you ”I love you” because you stopped LONG before.
You say we won’t cry or miss you when you’re gone, but in truth it’s not true. You’re a heartless *****. An insensitive one. I know i’m not the best at showing those types of emotions, but I tell you. You won’t believe me though.
I’m caged in. This house. I’m stuck with you until I can escape. Life with you is daily Hell.
Maybe some day i’ll find the courage to embrace. Maybe some day i’ll find the strength to erase you.
You’re the one I chose to feed me pain.
Do you physically fight? Or verbally?
verbally. never physically
What do you argue about?