The worst part about being on the receiving end of pain, is that sometimes yer smart enough to notice why. Sometimes that makes it better, because you notice reluctance, guilt, sadness. Other times you notice self-indignat anger, disgust, fury, & and a little hatred.
But mostly, one can’t help but notice that people don’ think they’re hurtin’ ya. Actually, they don’t even look at ya. That’s the worst kind. The frigid silence that makes one feel small, the eyes that will not notice, and the title-looking. That’s what I hate most. We all have titles. They float over our heads, self-given, peer-given, mentor-given, lovingly given. But not all of them are there. The ones people give us to better themselves, and they ones they proclaim with pride as if relation will send all the fame or infame over with a jas a few words are the right place and at the right time.
But who are we? They very fact that one is on this website gives another title and another personality. Some people jas hide it better than others.
Hi. I’m not abused or bullied. I’m just emotionally starved.
1 comment
Hi emotionally starved, I’m scatterbrained and loony. Pleased to meetcha. 🙂