So it’s been a while since I posted but a lot has happened. I’ve been living in Germany for a few months now and it’s been amazing. I still have my job which I absolutely love. Finally got my flat sorted and I’m slowly learning to navigate this gorgeous city. I still have episodes and I’ve picked up a few tricks to help me combat them. Every day has been a revelation including the day I got the most amazing news a couple of weeks ago from my doctor; I’m having a baby! I’m so happy and excited and completely terrified. My boyfriend is taking the news a lot better than I am, something to do with being older and more mature (insert derisive snort here, he’s only 26) I haven’t told my family since they’re still not talking to me but that won’t damper my happiness, never again. So to anyone who’s reading this and thinking of taking the easier way out, please give it one more day. You never know 🙂
I am so happy for you! Living your life, not someone else’s idea of what your life should be. I haven’t seen your other posts, but what wonderful work you have done to be where you are.
Little humans do need direction and structure, guidance to make it through adolescence, then to be set free. Raise your child well. All parents make mistakes, but some make bigger ones than others.
I just read your first post in January of this year. It sounded like you had reached the end. What a difference a few months make!! Congratulations on your upcoming baby and nice job in reaching another level of existence. May you keep your forward momentum.
Congratulation on your pregnancy girl!!! I’m SO exited for you!
It’s totally ok to be a little scared.. but don’t you fret – things will turn just fine! Once you see the little toes and fingers, life will never be the same, and never ever again devoid of meaning. And while you wait – please remember to take great care of your body, nutrition and exercise alike.
Also, do check out parenting classes. It’s greatly beneficial to young parents to take a class – it will help prepare you for what’s to come and reduce the anxiety. In addition, there are support groups for moms-to-be – it might be good for you to get involved in such a group with other moms to be your age. Nothing beats sharing your concerns with people in your situation!
Again congratulations!!!
p.s. Parenting classes are both for moms and dads to be ; – )
Nice story, Isla… Thanks for posting! (and… Congratulations!)