I feel hopeless. I’m failing school, all my friends have turned on me and call me a liar. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat. I do nothing but cry all the time. I thought I was getting better but it came back. It always comes back; this hell. It gets in your head and makes you unable to cope. I started to self mutilate again, something I promised myself I would never do again. I was clean for months, since October. I know it’s getting really bad because I’m contemplating suicide again. I have it planned out, exactly what I would do and that scares me. I scare myself. I never thought I would be this person, I don’t even recognize who the hell I am anymore. I just want to be better. My parents assume by locking me away in some hospital is gonna make it better. Shoving “happy pills” down my throat is just gonna make everything ok. But it’s not. I just want to be better, I don’t want to be this way anymore.
This hell you are living in is Satan’s plan for your life. He wants you to feel like this and he gets joy out of seeing you held captive in his bondage. Call out to Jesus! Don’t give up and keep praying until something happens. God loves you and he cares about every detail of your life. God is love, all good things come from him, when something bad happens RUN to Jesus. That bad thing is from Satan and he wants you destroyed, because that is one less person that can get to know God. Don’t give up. Keep praying and smile!
PUSH on (Pray Until Something Happens)
If God knows what’s going to happen before it happens, then what’s the point in praying?
If everything happens according to his will then praying accomplishes nothing. You might as well pray to a spider. (You’ll get the same results).
You have to find something you can distract yourself with. Coping is actually what keeps most people here sane. Music, sports etc really helps. And many here write poems as well to kind off “channel their emotions” into something that they can handle.
@slinky: Apart from the fact that what you’re saying doesn’t even make sense, why do you feel it is necessary for you to ridicule True_Love? Do you have to express your apparent superiority over religious people?
Yes! Spot on, couldn’t have said it better.
That was a reply to True_Love.
@slinky I have an answer to your opinion. Do you follow Jesus Christ? If yes, amazing! If not, no one is making you, so it is with God. He gives us free will, that’s why there are a ton of religions, because he isn’t going to make you worship him. And that free will extends to everyone. I was raped a ton of times, and it wasn’t that God wasn’t there or that he doesn’t love me, but if people want to rape little girls then he won’t stop you, that’s their choice. In this case, people say there is no hope, God loves you and is there. However, suicide is by choice and he won’t stop you, because then he will go against his word, and your free will. His will is to make your dreams come true, your will is to die, so he can’t stop you but if you receive and truly surrender to him then his will surely will prevail.
Thank you! We have to fight this for the ones that cannot fight for themselves, don’t want to fight, or don’t know how to! These poor souls are tortured by demons and I won’t let Satan go without a fight!
Jesus Saves 💕
PUNH: pray until nothing happens.
Then start doing something to physically manifest the changes you want to experience, which starts with interpreting reality correctly, so that you can know how to get the most “bang for your buck,” so that your limited energy can actually affect enough change in both your own life and surroundings, and beyond, so that the ends will actually justify any means.
Getting what you want, is worth any non-contrary cost (as in, it’s not worth sacrificing the capacity to use or enjoy what you want, in order to obtain it; it’s only worth every cost that doesn’t interfere with the goal itself).
@Clair De Loon; What slinky wrote made perfect sense. I’m sorry if you’re incapable of understanding logic. Good luck with that.
@Holy Roller; Circular reasoning. Look it up, cupcake.
@clever: Praying helps you “physically manifest the changes you want to experience”, it doesn’t manifest these changes by itself though.
Circular reasoning is a fallacy because it’s circular reasoning, and circular reasoning is a fallacy. Therefore, demons did it.
That was an example of a-circle-within-a-circle-with-a-cherry-on-top reasoning. Logics ftw.
circular reasoning is logically fallacious because it breaks causality. An effect cannot produce itself prior to the cause existing, which means something has to either exist, prior to the effect, to act as its cause, OR, the cause must spontaneously, instantaneously manifest both itself and the effect, simultaneously (hint: this almost never happens).
Often, there are many causes to which any (most?) effects can be attributed, but they all resulted from “cause,” in accordance with “causality,” as a product of prior existing circumstances and/or conditions.
Yes, but my favorite fallacy os post hoc ergo propter hoc, which is a fallacy because it came before the circle in circular reasoning. Or something. Causality is a tricky thing to pin down sometimes.
Also, i will grant CDL’s assertion: those who believe prayer is a useful practice, do seem to experience a placebo effect from doing so.
However, my counter-assertion is that there is actually a better way.
The problem is that people who work on belief-systems, will almost never abandon or modify their current belief system, without being shown a better /belief system/. When in fact, “belief systems” are a part of the problem.
It would be better to remove the potential for detriment from lack or loss of belief, and to adopt a new approach or perspective that yields better motivation based on realism (aka “truth”), rather than relying upon motivations of a fantastical and unrealistic nature (aka “deception”).
A “believer,” is only willing to make significant self-alterations, when one belief system can be replaced with another… but that doesn’t address the issue of requiring a belief system in the first place.
Let’s remove the need for a “belief system” entirely, and then fill all that space with a deeper and more complete understanding of reality, so that we can learn and understand exactly how to most efficiently and effectively modify it, among cooperation with everyone who sees the value of such a more “radical” approach.
Belief systems are a huge factor in why so much of the world is so wrong. And it’s not so much about whose belief is best, but more about how people who interpret the whole subjective experience through “belief filters,” tend to act on their beliefs. So much has been so wrong for so long, we have to be willing to consider that the most commonly held beliefs, are most likely the root of the problem… and then even further, that having a plethora of competing belief systems, none of which are rooted in reality, is probably the biggest part of the problem.
We need to get as many people out of that belief-dependence as possible, and then unify everyone who can understand, so that we can apply our collective energy, through action, to the right points, to change most of what needs changing, and in the best possible ways. We need to reconfigure the world, to best facilitate those who have managed to break free from the ancient and fallacious, conventional indoctrination mold.
Jesus saves
Jesus loves you
@clevername: So what you’re saying is… “He who has ears, let him hear.” 😮
Put your focus into something productive that requires all of your concentration. Do you like to garden? Paint? Write screenplays? Do what you can to reconcile your relationships with friends without betraying your principles. It’s easier to smooth over rough spots than it is to start from scratch. Most importantly don’t give up on yourself and learn to trust your judgment. And don’t worry about the “happy pill” brigade.. treat it as the circus it is and it’s grand edifice will land where it belongs.
“They would try to make me into a moron who liked television and new cars and frozen food. Don’t you understand? Psychiatry is worse than communism. I refuse to be brainwashed. I won’t be a robot!â€
“But, Ignatius, they help out a lot of people got problems.â€
“Do you think that I have a problem?†Ignatius bellowed. “The only problem that those people have anyway is that they don’t like new cars and hair sprays. That’s why they are put away. They make the other members of the society fearful. Every asylum in this nation is filled with poor souls who simply cannot stand lanolin, cellophane, plastic, television, and subdivisions.â€
Jesus saves
Jesus loves you”
^perfect example of what i mean by those who cannot cognate outside their own proverbial “box.” Everything MUST be interpreted through those filters, and everything that cannot safely pass through those filters, is discarded, or stowed away in a vault, where all the stuff you don’t want to think about, goes.
I don’t think “true love” actually exists, either. But i suppose the closest we can get to anything called “true love,” is close enough that the term is still fair… even if it’s technically incorrect.
But Jesus… Jesus died a very long time ago. He was just a man, not a god, not magic. Just a man who knew his place and saw the world through more realistic filters than other people, but was still (apparently) deeply entrenched in the most prominent environmental filters of his time. He saw THROUGH them, without eliminating them… which i think is fairly impressive, and represents a valuable mind. But he no longer exists, just like all the other 100+ billion people who lived and died, and no longer exist.
Sure, why not. 😉
He who has ears, let him hear… especially what Fro-not-so-zen just said. Always listen to that guy.
Xians are fascinating people. They’re entrenched in their beliefs, and they’ll rigorously defend an idea which explains the “reality” they’ve decided to embrace. They don’t seem to understand that what they call truth only exists in their imagination. For them I suppose that in order for something to be real all you have to do is imagine that it’s real. Apparently they haven’t learned that’s not how reality functions.
Let Jesus love you. Don’t be afraid. Let his light protect you from spookiness. Praise him, you know you want to.
Jesus has a flashlight which repels spookiness? Hmm. What would Scooby do?
A disembodied eyeball is proof that God loves the world and wants you to be happy. It’s so complex! Wait, I got my nonsense mixed up with other nonsense…
@Duke: hahaha. (The link in moderation). I remember singing that song in Sunday school.
As a youth church attendance was mandatory.
It’s a classic. One of my all time faves.
I love how everyone joins in as soon as someone starts to shit on religion.
Reading these things that people write make me sad. I can’t believe how blinded Satan has some of you. Go to Jesus, he is the only way! Please! He loves you and he conquered death, he is risen and still lives!!!