I am really sorry, but I cut myslelf one hour ago. It was so hard to stay clean ’cause there was so much pain and everyone said, that I fuck everything up. I’m scared, that it’s true. I am always so ugly and fucked up and just really… I don’t know what to say. Please forgive me ’cause I fuck everything up. Always.
*sits quietly beside you and hugs you*
this comment made my day!
I know how you feel. I started to cut when I was in the eigh grade and I am 21 and still want to cut. It is an addicting feeling that has (to me at least) an amazing relife after I run the razor over my skin and see the blood. I am only 1 month cut free but message me if you want.
This might help, when you want to cut, rub an ice cube over the spot and your skin gets a small chill that can help give relife.