So I attempted suicide in 2001? I would have succeeded if a certain someone didn’t stick his nose where it didn’t belong. Here I am 13 years later and find myself feeling exhausted and tired again. Life truly is cruel and full of evil and corruption.
Somewhere online today I read to wait 3 days before acting on my feelings; why wait? Then I found myself here and don’t understand why I’m even typing this. All my letters are written, all important papers are out and on the kitchen table…… unless someone hands me the winning lottery ticket or changes whom I’ve become; my life will never change. Always a struggle, always a challenge, and little to no rewards for surviving in this cruel world. Life will continue and eventually I will be forgotten those are the facts; but that’s ok with me….. at least the struggle will end. I’m just so tired of feeling angry and hateful…. I guess the “fight to live” is exhausted.
1 comment
I think they say to wait because quite often when the rage subdues even if you are sad you won’t always kill yourself.
Sorry about your trials. I was also almost dead if somebody who usually doesn’t care had not had the horrible idea to call the police.