I am ‘the thing’.
Evolve me. Clap- clap. Clap- clap.
From hell. Clap- clap. Clap.
Evolve me. Evolve me. Clap- clap. Clap-clap.
From hell. From hell! Clap- clap- clap!
From hell! From hell! Clap- clap- clap- clap- clap- clap.
Forever and ever. Always and forever.
My name is Nevermore.
I am ‘the thing’. Celestial Slowbro and Golduck.
Only eye-candy. Staryu and Starmie.
Let me be. Let me be. Take me. Pull me.
Oracle, I have monthly bounty.
Let us go, and grow plants and flowers, perhaps.
Let me go train like a fire pokemon. Never end rock pokemon.
Machamp is the champ, he can beat Mewtwo.
I was trying to ask for help and this is what happened.
Who will save me and us. Oh, Alpha.
We can grow our own vegetables, I’ve tasted, so sweet.
Seeking the eden. Who are you. Where are you.
The phoenix monster, Ho-oh. With gold fire, you must, destroy the madness.
In the face of the abuser. Begin the story of our world.
‘The thing’. The dying protagonist. He is the dead king.
Clap for him. Clap for him. Clap for him. Oh, supreme.
The sound of the music.
Error, must have fire stone to evolve.
Must have leaf stone to grow garden.
Whats an unknown??
I am a thing, and I can do stuff, but I’m not THE thing. Are you all things (hence the title The), or are you a uniquely special thing that serves as the index for all other things, or what? And can you do stuff too?