Well the honest reason is that I suddenly realised that I’m sick of trying. I’m sick of it all. I go to sleep at night telling myself that it’s almost over, just be strong for a little while longer take it one day at a time. But I can’t do it. I feel like I spend every second trying to just hold on. Trying not to break. I don’t know if I can do it anymore. I just want it to be over. Is that really so bad? I’m tired and I need it to be over. I don’t have anything left in me. It’s just not worth it!! You fight and you fight and still you get nowhere. Maybe there right. Maybe some people can get through this. But what about the ones who can’t? Why should we torture ourselves each and every minute of the day. Why can’t they accept that this life just may not be meant for us all?
I agree with you. A person should be able to end it if they want
I have been on both sides and understand. When people are in awful situations that drain their reserves & dim their spirits, this can push them into this territory.
But I have also known of people who took their lives where the ones closest to them who might have made a difference were fairly blind to the extent of their pain, turmoil, despair, numbness or just too busy, callous, self-involved, and/or caught in their own spirals to help.
I have struggled with this on and off for a while.