I have to leave this area. I live in East Greenbush NY and I have to get out. This is a horrible area to live in. To live here you either got to be rich and snotty or a druggie. The people here have bullied me all my school life going here until I transferred to an alternative school. I’m to the point I don’t talk to anyone from here anymore. I use to have friends who were decent and pretty cool. I knew there were rumors about me going around but recently, not too long ago I found out about some other rumors besides the typical ones, These ones more harsh. Rumors about me being either a prostitute. Pregnant. In jail. A heroin addict. The people I use to talk too or at least a few of them I found out from my friend who lives in watervielet that they said I’d offer sexual acts for money. I’ve never done any of these things. Why are people saying I did? I cant handle this and everything else going on in my family. I need to leave this town but I’m not even sure if I can. I’ve been trying to move in with the guy I’m seeing and his mom with her permisson cause she suggested it but if I can’t, I dont know what is gonig to happen to me because I know my dad isnt going to move and I’ll be stuck here. Still scared to leave my house by myself.
People who spread rumors are sad, pathetic individuals. I’m guessing Greenbush is a small town since the rumors seem to be spreading so rapidly. I don’t think I can say anything to help you or at least make you feel better, but I guess try and stick it out for the time being. And I know it’s cliche, but don’t let it get to you. Do you have any family in another part of New York or the country you could live with?
If your life is miserable because you live in that neighborhood,then absolutely you should get out.If your mental and emotional health is sick and sad, then flee.I dont advocate running away from problems when things get uncomfortable .but sometimes you just have to save yourself by leaving.People are cruel and depraved..some enjoy dealing torment and condemnation …these people are highly toxic and its best to completely cut off contact.If you cant move immediately,then disassociate yourself completely,and DONT look at their social media .There are people who have relentlessly facebook bullied, lied and attacked until the victim comitted suicide.Dont give them power over you like these others have.I hope you transcend these assholes and leave them to their games -perhaps theyll turn on each other and eat each other alive..treacherous and rabid humans
If you have the means to move. And cut all ties with thosse friends. Delete fb. Delete their numbers. Start fresh. I’ve done it. You can too. I did it eight times in eight different states. And I still don’t have fb. And change you number each time. And omly give it to family. It’s actually fun and can be quite the adventure. I did it without any help or with a bf. Put your big girl pants on and just do it. A weight is always lifted