I haven’t been the same person I have been. I use to be a happy confident person. Now I just feel worthless and a waste of a person. I was a US soldier until I gave up on that because of my ex wife not wanting me anymore. She has been the main reason why I have been in this rut. I thought she really loved me and ending up leaving me while I was in service. If she didn’t want to be with me why would anyone else want to? I gave up my dream and passion to peruse our love and try to make things work but ended up losing everything. I have nothing now why would someone try to keep living under these circumstances. Now I am a unemployed worthless soldier that couldn’t prove to his country he loves it. Why should I still live. I am so close to just letting go of everything.
What do you mean that you couldn’t prove that you love your country? You don’t have to kill a bunch of terrorists to do that, but it’d be nice. And your country is really an idea…America’s full of scummy people as well who don’t give a rat’s ass about you.
Personally I respect soldiers and I’d say I have warriors blood because I like war-only when it leads to the destruction of evil people an ideologies.
I understand what you mean when you love someone…I’ve also loved and lost as well, but sometimes things just don’t work out as hoped.
The more and more I’ve thought about my own death, the more I’ve found some things in life to be unique and special, particularly a couple of people within my life. There’s some things I’d still like to do and experience before I fade back into the nothingness we all emerged from, which is why I’m still around.
But in my case the circumstances of my life make it an additional challenge or a layer of suffering, misery, anger and hate I experience on top of my already negative feelings about living.
If you can try to find work in the military again it might be your best bet-even if you have to go to another state. Also there are other women out there…but I’m not one to give advice in that department. I used to be very desirable to women once and now I barely ever get noticed….my fault I let myself go…it’s a sad irony to get older and for once get your head straight, to understand women, to know how to exploit great opportunities….but then no longer have the gifts/assets you once did when you were younger but completely foolish and squandered your time away only realizing too late what you could’ve had.
You can prove you love your country by trying to protect the constitution and bill of rights from being dismantled by politicians. They’re the real terrorists.
The most important fight any american will ever fight, is to live a life of eternal vigilance, in attempt to ensure that our intended liberties are not traded for false promises of security.
That fight will not happen overseas in foreign lands, but right here at home, in the hearts and minds of each individual.
I’m Canadian but I admire the US Constitution. It also seems that the US values individual freedom more than perhaps any nation on earth which is something to be admired and to aspire for.
However there are many groups and parties which pretend to uphold the constitution/bill of rights but seek to dismantle those very ideas and principles-so I agree they must be protected.
At the same time though, you cannot trivialize the threat that Islam poses, which is far greater than any crazy group you have in the US. Islam as an ideology and politico-theocratic fascist totalitarian movement would tear up the constitution and replace it with Sharia Law and Islamic rule if given the chance.
I’d invite you to do some more research on Islam and it’s history Clevername….I am not being condescending when I say this-I admire your intelligence, but someone as smart as yourself should be more clued up on Islam and be aware that it is a far greater threat to humanity than Nazism was.
I don’t want to start an islam problem on this site. I could say some things…
Suffice to say: i’ve seen some things, man, and some stuff… i don’t agree with any of the currently accepted religions. All of them promote outrageous things for absurd reasons that i just… cannot accept. They should know better, ffs.
And, i would also suggest that the fundamental tenets of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, should indeed be extended to all the world’s people, not just Americans.
You know what really needs to happen?
We need a Universal declaration of personal sovereignty. I could write that shit up myself. In fact, i may attempt it. I know there’s already something called “universal rights” something or other (i’d have to look it up), but we need one that speaks for everyone, and declares everyone their own master/owner/sole-proprietor, period.
Believe in your country, not the government.