I was prescribed Ativan for my anxiety, but wen I took it, that shit made me feel so horrible I thought I had relapsed back to day one, before admission to the hospital. So tonight since my urges to cut are bad still, and haven’t subsided at all….my mom suggested I take Xanax which has taken the place of Ativan. More then likely gonna zombify me since I took it with my Seroquel….ugh.
Hey you’ve done good resisting so far you can keep going :3
Hmm…does it suck being a zombie? Ive never really had to take too many pills..
That’s rough. I’m sure Mom’s trying to help, but you need your brain. Hang in there. You’re going to find your way through this.
Careful with the benzos…that shit is addictive, maybe it’s a good thing ativan didn’t agree with you, take the bare minimum possible would be my advice.
Thanks everyone. If I didn’t have the support of this website and all of you people is be even more lost.
It does suck being a zombie. And I’m aware these benzos are addictive. I don’t plan on taking them everyday, because I hate feeling more tired then usual.
Tired of being tired, you know?
Anytime 😀 and i see ;o
Lack of xanax can give you anxiety. Remember that. It can make it worse. You are loved. Hang in there.
Also, see if you can get your hands on a punching bag. A literal one, and hang it from the ceiling. Pound the crap out of that *****. You’ll be tired in ten seconds. Promise. And all your frustration, and anger and sadness will subside. I promise it will. Your knuckles might hurt, though, but so will your abs and arms and back muscles.
Plus, the endorphins will kick in, and you will feel better. Hang it in YOUR room. This is YOUR punching bag for YOUR feelings. Kick and punch the crap out of it.
Someones become fairly violent.
Haha! To the punching bag, yes. They call it a punching bag for a reason. Remember, you are not the punching bag, the bag is the punching bag.
I don’t have one, but I need one. I wonder if I’d even use it. It would probably just hang there, and I’d lay in bed watching it hang there, and then I’d start thinking thoughts I shouldn’t be thinking.
You’re doing well, Buscetti. One day at a time.
Punching bags have feelings too! T_T
Get one! Hit it! Become strongers? Then go and conquer a childrens playground.
Don’t think about it. Don’t question it. Do it.
I’ve actually wanted a punching bag for the longest time. This is good news. Thank you 🙂
My husband is Marine Infantry. He has a shirt that says, “Pain is just weakness leaving the body.” We should all get a punching bag and punch that shit raw (in the privacy of your own bedroom). It’s just you and the punching bag going at it. RAWR!
Please be sure to drink plenty of water. 🙂
O_O Scary cookie.