I saw all of this news about ISIS beheadings and Ukraine in despair, and to be honest, I don’t really care about it anymore. I almost wish that ISIS would take over and America would get involved in a nuclear war with Russia, because that would increase my chance of dying. Why fucking bother with humans? We’re never satisfied with what we have. I am no exception. Life feels so unfortunate, like a losing game. Whichever path chosen leads to death and disappointment. Fall in love only to fall out of it or want to cheat because one lover is not enough. Of course, that isn’t really my problem, because I’ve never been in a relationship anyways, probably because all of those people who called me “strange” or a “weirdo” just didn’t want to know me because they thought that I was a waste of time or a loser, and for whatever the reason, no one wants to put their head on the shoulder of a loser. I hate bothering with all of this, but I am afraid that I’ll even fail to die. What if I end up alive with half of my brain scattered across the room and in severe agony with no chance of euthanasia? I don’t want any of this anymore.
Hey man. Download the kik app and add me at “Streletzky” or add Nicholas Streletzky Bishop on Facebook. I was once exactly like you. I want to get to know you. I promise it does get better. Please believe me that I was EXACTLY where you are right now. You are not alone. If you have no friends, I have now taken dibs in being your first friend and supporter, if you do have a few friends, I guess I’m just in line behind them 🙂 I promise you life isn’t like what you are feeling now. It gets so much better once you finally climb out of the hole and you can see all the sunshine that life has to offer. If you ever feel alone, message me on one of those (I’m a bit more responsive to kik messages though, but I will try to check my fb more now that I put it on here for you). And anyone that sees this comment, the same contact info applies
The James Foley beheading was staged
It does seem quite fishy after watching his family’s response.