I honestly don’t know what to do. Everything’s slowly coming apart at the seams. I’m falling behind in all of my classes and hardly paying attention to my parents. I’m unattractive and most of the people that I hang out with just think of me as really annoying. I bet there’s a line of people waiting to try and kill me. Hell, I’ve even stopped reading books as much as i used to. And it’s not just that I feel unmotivated. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I suppose that’s what it’s like when you live your whole life doing what people tell you for the most part.
And to add to my list of problems, I don’t even have anyone to talk to about this because either 1) no one will take me seriously or 2) I find out difficult to trust people. I suppose for the most part it’s my fault because I’m antisocial and I act like I prefer the company of books over people.
I just… I used to have so much hope and so many dreams –in fact, I still do, but I just don’t know what to do anymore.
Dammit, I’m sixteen. I’m not even supposed to be worrying about how i should spend my life yet.
Try not to feel so bad about having a love of books. There are worse things to immerse yourself in. I fell in love with someone that loved books; it made her much more interesting to talk to than most people who had no use for books. But that is another story for another time.
You have hopes and dreams. Live them. That sounds flip, I know but I really have no hopes or dreams anymore. If you know what you want then think about what your life would be like if all of your dreams came true. Feel the feelings of having everything you want. Doing that will help you get to where you want to be.
At sixteen, most of the people you might consider to be important except for your family very likely won’t be a part of your life in a few years. And you will know which of them will remain an important part of your life later – the rest are unimportant. Please don’t let them define you or frame your identity.
Try and love yourself and seek what your heart truly desires – you deserve it. You are worthy of having what makes you happy. Tell yourself that every day. Your hopes and your dreams will come true.
– peace
nozsmoking you always give such good advice.
I understand you completely. Only difference I am double your age, which is even more scary. I have no idea what to do with my life, always done what I thought other people expected me to do. Listen to your feelings. Try figuring out what you want and see where life gets you to.
So since everyones already given really great advice ill just say don’t kick being anti or into books, like I am too and trust people wish they could be like us but they just can’t pull it off heh =].
And ff your mates can’t appreciate you for who you are… dont worry, you’ll make some good mates who’ll get you and that you can trust. Just give yourself time.
I hope you find yourself soon. All the best (^-^)/
Ps. I may seem like im joking but im serious =) (didn’t want yah to think otherwise ^-^)
I am 20, and I still dont have a clue where my life is goind to head or where I wanna make it head! By now I feel like I should have it all clear, heck! its only 10 years till im 30. Im going threw a really rough time because not long ago I had my life kind of planned out and it all lookes so nice, and was gonna be happy get a house with my now ex girlfriend 🙁 but it all changed in just two weeks!! If you wanna find out more I posted about it yesterday under the title “no matter how hard you try, there will always be someone better´´. Now… I still have a little bit of hope and I know that the same way my life changed dramatically in such a short period of time, it can also change again but for the good! you say you’ve lost hope, but hey! you never know whats going to happen to you, whats comming round the corner and you dont have control over certain things, it could be something very exciting. I’d say stick to your studies, they will be important some time down the road, and I have social anxiety which im really trying hard to change, its a case of stepping out of your confrot zone and trying to make friends, every step you take will be progress to becoming the person you want to be. Chin up! you’re only 16, there’s so much you can do, you’ll find it eventually. Dont beat yourself up though. you, and me actually are still very young and have a life of opportunities infront of us.
NEVER compare yourself with others. What they do, its their lives not yours, Just because they have done certain things, does not mean you have to do them. The grass seems greener on the other side, but believe me, its not. Most people are scared of the future and have no clue where to go, but nobody wants to admit it. Facebook and other social media just show the happy side. The dark demons are hidden behind the walls.