I think about suicide every day, but generally not too seriously. I wonder if I’ll be happy in a year or so from now. Life is a random set of coincidences that ultimately has no inherent importance. Being a member of this “life” game is boring. People keep telling me that it’s fun. What exactly is fun about working, coming home, eating, fucking, sleeping, and dying? Relationships are pathetic. They all lead to divorce and disappointment. Work is just a pretty word for “slavery.” Houses are just like cozy prison cells. We’re stuck on this stupid rock, only to die here… so I guess humanity might as well work until it dies. At least, that’s the feeling I get from society. I hate my therapist because he doesn’t give me weed, some dopamine enhancers, or something that could work. Instead, all he has done is give me antidepressants that don’t work and some words to make me feel like an idiot.
Well, would it be better if we were born on this stupid rock, but got to die on some other stupid rock? Or better yet, if we never died at all, but had to live on this stupid rock forever? The permutations are endless, but the outcome is always the same if you start from the assumption that life is just biological progression, and work is just something you have to do in order to survive. But I totally agree about houses – walls are stupid and should be destroyed. I’d gladly take a job as a wall-smasher full-time, and I’d smash the hell out of some damn walls and love every minute of it. Getting paid for it would be icing on the cake.
I wonder why ppl like us, who see life as it really is, are considered sick. We are told that we need to rewire our brains to be able to think
positively. I think god, or whoever the puppetmaster is, gave us dopamine so that we would be blind to reality. Otherwise, we’d have died off long ago & “it” wouldn’t have anymore toys to play with.
brilliant idea.and i won’t be surprised if it were true.also, there’s a scientific study (forgot where i read/watched it) that concluded that humans aren’t built to be happy, we just don’t have the capacity for it.we’re actually built to just reproduce.i kind of think that makes sense because no matter one’s lot in life, one will always feel dissatisfied and unfulfilled.anyway, nice thread.
Very interesting.