I am a high school senior. I have anticipated this moment since grade school, when my loving parents emphasized how school was my number one priority. It supposedly was supposed to make me get ahead of everyone. But now I’ve realized that’s a lie. I used to be so quiet and focused on schoolwork. Now I don’t shut up in class. I’m funny; I like jokes. I’m terribly blunt and say inappropriate things I immediately regret. My grades are dropping even though I’m trying so hard. My boyfriend insists everyone feels how tough it is this year, and I’m sure they do, but I feel like they’re all doing more than I am, which makes me feel weaker for breaking down like this. I just want it to end. I hate the rest of my life hanging on my shoulders. I feel so unaccomplished because I’ve never had a job. I feel so behind. I used to get straight A’s. Now they’re straight D’s. I see no point in continuing if it’s going to be like this.
Short answer: It’s not going to be like this. The senior year in high school is typically not representative of the rest of your life. Many of the courses you’re taking won’t be relevant, many of the people you see daily you’ll never see again (not counting Facebook), and much of the high school drama won’t be present. Senior year is tough. It’s the transition year when people finalize whether they’re going to college, work, the military, or something else. There is a lot of pressure. High school and everyday life can be tough enough without working. Don’t worry… You’ll have plenty of years ahead of you to work. As for your grades, they can be recovered. Take some time to catch your breath, think about what you need to do, and start working on it. Personally, I’d focus on your grades before the job because they’re probably more important at the moment.
Final point: There is nothing wrong with being a social butterfly with a sense of humor. The world can be a really serious place. This site is an example of that. A sense of humor can help get you through it.
As an older person, history has proven everything that distant.road had wrote to be accurate and true in my life. This is a time of major changes in life life ahead. That can play a part in all these feelings of impending doom. It is just the part of accepting change and rolling with the punches. One day at a time, one breath at a time. Don’t look to far ahead and become dejected. Many of us have reached the goals we have set in life only to get there and be like “really, this is what i have wasted valuable life chasing? ! ” do your best, and all the rest will take care of itself
I read this one quote saying “happiness is not a destination,” it’s something you work on every single day. Because you stumbled a little, it’s ok. It doesn’t determine who you will be forever. You can be happy and you can achieved as long as you are willing to work for it. <3