So, I told my doctor that the voices are getting worse, and he told me to tell my psychiatrist. And I did.
What a load of bull.
She refers to the as ‘thoughts’ and ignores them. I’m sorry, but I know the difference between thoughts and voices. These are voices. And she doesn’t even do anything about them.
My mum told her I was crying to her about them, yet she still did nothing about them.
She doesn’t ‘think they’re a worry’.
I can’t even go a day in school without them being there.
I disrupt classes by yelling at them, skip classes because of them, and have had multiple days off.
My therapist forced me to go to a group thing I’ve put off for almost a year and a half, and I couldn’t even stay in that before walking out crying over them.
I’ve tried everything to ignore them, but they just get louder and make the lights flicker and the room appears to move around. The only way to calm them down a little is to do as they say; which is to either hurt myself, or others.
I’m running out of options, since professionals can’t do their jobs and help with the problems.
1 comment
All I can say is if you believe your psychiatrist is wrong then get your mum to let you see another, you should be entitled to get a second opinion, and soon as its disruptive to you and you are clearly in distress over it.