we decide whether to be happy in our lives or to take everything in a negative way. I learnt a very important lesson in life which is to make people all my friends and laugh with them and have fun, but never tell your secret to anyone keep your secrets for you because some people will listen to you but then they will make fun of you. if you feel you need to talk just write o a paper what is annoying you . just be happy and don’t over think and try to be positive ..
I’ve heard this life lesson many times. “Just decide to be happy” How easy is that? Do you think people just decide to be depressed? Do you think when faced with a choice of happy or depressed, people simply choose depressed? I don’t think it’s that simple…but i could be wrong. I’ll experiment on it today and get back to you
look I just want to tell you something I tried to suicide but I didn’t die and I tried a second time but then I thought that I will suicide because of a boy will he even care?? maybe yes .but I was sure that he would continue his life so, I decided to continue my life and to fight depression
please allow me a comment. after a really bad week(past the crisis, trying to pull back togeather) ijust wanted to say yes, FIGHT DEPRESSION. i dont know how yet, but fight it. hard. with evrything you have, dont let up. dont give up. ive given up. not to the plan, but to the mental health people. believe me, the plan is the most preferable choice,but too many people want me to stick around for one reason or another. i do not trust mental health and expect to be locked away in a rubber room by nightfall. major depression is no fun. we all know this.what can we do to beat it? society keeps telling us we are responsable for our own health, ok. so what do WE do? questions i got plenty of, answers not so much. anyway, peace to all of you, and keep fighting
yes we are fighting depression by sharing our stories in this website