The people on this site are really nice, but when you have a problem, that when you tell someone, no matter how nice they are, they will judge you in disgust and hate you, what do you do? If someone found out, I’d be immediately hospitalized and possibly arrested. I am so scared of being hospitalized again. I was hospitalized once a couple years ago from midnight to 4:30 AM. Worst few hours of my life. Also, I wouldn’t want my family to get upset over this, because I’d just be the family problem again, and if they knew, they’d hate me too. It’s not just the terrible depression anymore. It’s this too. I think I have it under control, but I don’t know for sure. I’m just so tired of keeping everything in, sitting alone at lunch, deliberately not talking to my friends, just so no one finds out I want to die, and finds out my problem. I just want to get out of this nightmare.
Sweetie you need to tell someone. Holding it in will only make it worse cause eventually it will come out in a bad way. Weather it be a melt down or explosion of emotions or acting on suicidal thoughts and feelings.
If you’re in a loving home, your parents will want to help you not make you a problem. I understand being scared of going to a hospital, but really it would be ok. The doctors want to help and the staff is there for support.
Please reach out to your school counsler or someone that can help you. I would hate to see you harm yourself.
Hey, if you ever want to talk to someone, I always have time. I won’t judge you and I’ll always be willing to listen to whatever you have to say; problems or rants.
My email is on my SP profile in a couple of my posts.
i think we’re one of the same, no friends, same situation. mind talking? email is on my profile.
I don’t mind. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to access your profile.