I’m sorry you are going through a really hard time right now. I read what you say about your father and then, about how you are a bad guy. Can you see how your dad started that feeling and it is not your true self? We all do things that make us a “bad guy” of life. But in reality those bad things mean we were behaving badly and NOT that we are a bad guy. Please hear me when I say the fact you don’t like how you’ve acted is the start of a better Alek.
I hear your sorrow for being so sad and hopeless. I am the same many times. It makes it hard to think clearly. In other words, this feeling is partly (and I know there are many factors besides) is because of your depression. While knowing that doesn’t stop the feelings, nor fix your depression but still- recognizing how your depression can make you feel may help you cope in the moment.
The depression is not you. Your depression is a reaction to situation(s) you are having a hard time dealing with. I do hope you find someone to talk to- a crisis line- google your city and crisis line to find one. Talking changes our brain waves, makes us feel better.
I know you said you weren’t looking for advice- but I see your suffering and I know how hard it is to do alone. You are not alone. We are here to listen.
Talk on!
Dear Pretend Girl, thank you for your post, it makes me feel a bit better.
You know, my father might be one of the reasons for my actions, but i don’t want to use him as an excuse. I know i made so many mistakes and they’re just my fault, but maybe a true father could have helped me. I still have the scars of those mistakes, specially on my wrist, and sometimes i would cut myself again because it helps me, but i can’t. It’s a weakness, and i’m not weak. I did not killed myself yet, and i think i will not do it, even if that idea is still in my mind.
I’m sorry if my english is not perfect, but i’m italian and i learned english by my own.
I don’t want to bore you, therefore i’m not gonna say too much, but from the bottom of my heart i want to thank you. I don’t know you, and i’ll never know you, but i know you’re a good person. Thank you, my dear.
Hi Alec,
I hope you read this! You’re English is fine.And you can’t bore me! I am glad you are feeling better.
I do understand how you feel about not blaming your father. It isn’t about blame- it is about understanding how life influenced and affected you.
I am glad you are feeling less like dying. Don’t beat yourself up if the feelings come up. Work through them and come out of them stronger! Sometimes I wish my life was over. But I allow myself to feel the feelings (a harder said than done!) and I work through the feelings and come out a bit stronger.
Thanks for responding, making me feel special with your kind words and for listening to me. Sometimes that is the most important thing we need- someone to listen to us.
Hope your week is going well. Take great care of you!