15 16 in march I’ve been depressed cutting suicidal I cut on the 11th thinking of doing it again mean family my dad hit me with a belt because I drank some of his wine because I was depressed I am lonely for the most part 2/3 good friends but not always there. I was planning on killing myself in october on a cruise I don t know how to swim 6 months away. I stopped taking my depression meds they don t work and made me gain 40IB my dad still wants me to take it I have counseling twice a month I was at a mental hospital for 6 months helped a tiny bit I have bad grades. Depressed everyday I talked to the safety coordinator at my school told her EVERYTHING She was going to send me to another place (another mental hospital) I wanted to go but she offered my dad to pick me up instead everything has been way downhill ever since I want to run away can t nowhere to go what should I do
Don’t give up… When I say that I’m not only talking to you I’m talking to myself as well. I’m on meds that work. What were you taking? I went to a mental hospital too because I tried to kill myself. My guidance counselor tried to send me to another one as well. Honey, you are NOT alone and if you give up, so will other people. I’m here for you if you need me. Just ask and I’ll give my email so we can talk. <3 don't give up yet I know it's hard.
I’m on zoloft lithium xyprexia
I’m on Zoloft as well, how much ? Sorry if you don’t mind me asking
Shit..sorry. So young to be having those problems. Wish I had an answer or help in some way. I’m sorry you’re going through this.
about 100 or 200
Milligrams? Sorry but how old are you?
milligrams im 15 16 in march
Oh yeah sorry you said that already…