I feel her. Her reached is far. I remember everything about her – I am a willing hostage. She’s in the room. The flowers she loved and the electric laugh of a high voltage siren. She’s in the room. And nothing bad ever happened – the pillow is soft. She’s in the room. The child smiles and grabs her rose colored skirt. Dance she says and of course I do. She’s in the room. Yes we will live forever – we are just that solid. She’s in the room. Honey drips from the walls – I cry and she swallows my pain with her lips. She’s in the room. Her hand is on my face. I might just be her – she might just be me. She’s in the room. Just one second is better than all the hours before. She’s in the room. The clock stops – this is what you are looking for. She’s in the room. The crowd grows silent – I let her sink her fangs into my neck. She’s in the room – the self pity wallows elsewhere. My arm wraps like a snake around her waist. The eerie light of make believe returns.
1 comment
1 comment
I know exactly how you feel. I hope it gets better for both of us.