I’m just to tired to go on. I’ve been fighting depression for about 5 years now, and seen tons of shrinks and been on every kind of anti-depressant
there is…and nothing has worked. Hell has be to better than this. It’s hard being alone with these dark thoughts, but even harder to be around
people and have to fake it. I actually get angry now when I hear people say that there is help out there, bullshit! If I could even see a tiny tiny glimmer of light at the end of this tunnel, I might have some hope, but nothing but blackness for five long years now. I can’t hang on much longer.
Just getting my affairs in order now.
I wish there was something or someone that could really help me, but I know there is no one. I don’t even believe in God anymore. If he does exist, why does he abandon us like this?
I can’t claim that I can help you in any way, but I’m here if you ever want to talk or rant anything. I know it sucks, I still don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel, but I’m here for you as long as you stick around.
Also, I personally believe in God, just that he either stopped watching, stopped caring, or is just an asshole. But the beautiful thing is that we don’t need the approval or love of any deity, all we have to do is try to make the world a little less shitty for other people and hope someone else can do the same for us eventually. Just my thoughts on God, anyway.
emma3 ,
Truly sorry! I understand being depressed for years and years, what keeps me going is goals, looking forward to something, I keep saying 4 more years.
emma3 ,
What are you depressed about anyways? LOVE? MONEY? I personally don’t believe in a god, I can’t imagine being happy because of some god, controlling my thoughts 🙂 you are your own god your in control, keep busy, love the simple things, a pet, cooking your favorite dish, video games, TV, hobbies ,anything to keep your mind off being depressed.
I so know the feeling.