I guess the only thing holding me back is the curious fear I have of whats next. Is there a heaven like all our grandparents say? Or is there just black nothing? Will I linger and watch the aftermath, because that just might be worse. To watch all the ones I love suffer…. but at the same time living is a burden to them. I don’t know….what do you guys think happens when we are set free?
I believe its like heaven and yes we pretty much linger for a while to view our events for some time. But when we cross its nothing but love. But we can’t reverse our decision as you know..
I hope your right, because leaving to find peace and instead finding more sadness will be devastating. And I know what you mean about catching a break….it’s just they come so far and few in between.
Spiritually for me life is like a training ground yes I want to go as bad as many people but when I get a break I can see life in a different way when I’m down and out its aweful
ive felt the same way for 2 years. wanting to die scrared of death. im not christian but i believe we find peace when we die and rest with our loved ones that have passed.