Comrades, we live in a world without justice and evil. I want to tell you guys, that are suffering, that its only bad right now, but that is not the case. It gets bad, then good, and suddenly gets bad again. Possibly even worse than before. But it doesn’t have to stop there. You don’t have to give up just because its bad right now. It WILL get good again. Its almost like the eye of the hurricane. Don’t get me wrong, the actual hurricane is hellish, but the eye is the period of a light breeze, ray of sunlight and nature at its most beautiful self. You may be enduring a hurricane now, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t get better. People don’t care? Find people who do, they are out there and there’s plenty of them. How? Find a job, volunteer, join clubs, go to meetings, get out there. You can’t expect for things to get better if you don’t change things for the better.
I’m a real person, and to all of you who feel suffocated, helpless, broken, forsaken, hated, lost, etc., I want you to know, that I believe in you. I know you can make it through your hurricane. Its not over.