It’s a typical question I’m normally asked. I normally say nothing. But wanna know the truth? I don’t know what’s wrong. I honestly don’t. I could be completely happy then boom. I’m a mess. I feel like I’m going to cry 99% and I have no clue why. I constantly feel like shit and for once I just want to be happy and stay happy. But something always ruins my mood and I have no clue what it is. For some reason I can’t stay happy.
Sorry you’re feeling this way. Constantly on the brink of collapsing, ya know? And it isn’t something that can be helped. People whine that you just need to pull yourself together…when they don’t understand. Have you noticed any triggers or something? Small things that flip your mood upside down? This is just from personal experience…
You deserve better. Are you on any meds or seeing any therapists?
Good luck. This might sound cheesy, but….cyber hug…………
I honestly don’t know.. The slightest things get me upset. And I got to therapy. He wants me to go get an evaluation so I can be put on medicine but my mom won’t allow it. And thank you…
It sounds like you might benefit from a mood stabilizer. I used to be the same way. I’d be really happy one minute and then crying the next. My moods were bouncing all over the place and I felt like I’d lost my mind. There wasn’t really any rhyme or reason to why my moods changed either. The drug I take is Depakote and it works great. In fact, out of all my psych meds I think it’s the most beneficial. It cuts out the highs a little more than I would like it to, but it stops me from bouncing all over the place. Ask your doctor about it, it might help you a lot. Good luck.
I will. Thank you..